<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" width="40px" />

I’ve used this as part of my LEAD Program and as a stand-alone workshop for all organization. Feedback is included in all the LEAD Program learning topics, so we start with this topic.

For concepts to be “sticky,” people need to hear them seven to nine times, so I ensure we cover and share the content throughout the LEAD program to make it memorable and applicable immediately.



Microlearning to Reinforce Concepts

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" width="40px" />

Below, you’ll find two microlearning courses, the MY.B.I.Q. Microlearning is shared following the Feedback Workshop. Start | Stop | Continue is shared out the day after.

This allows me to capture feedback on content quickly and follow up with participants. It’s also another opportunity to reinforce concepts in a fun, quick way to drive retention & applicability.


Microlearning 1: MY.B.I.Q. Framework


Microlearning 2: Start | Stop| Continue


Board of Tools & Resources

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" width="40px" />

Below you’ll find the post-workshop board of tools & resources, this is sent to cohort participants at the end of the first week of the program (the Friday after the workshop).

This board includes the Feedback Prep Grid & Sample Feedback Statements Mad-Libs-style worksheet I reference (verbally) in the workshop (See Tools & Resources column).

I encourage people to bookmark this board for easy access to content when they need to give feedback to a colleague, their leader, or direct reports.



Knowledge Check built using AI


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fa57ac49-4965-4f3e-80ed-d69dd1e255d5/f96b74bd-680c-471a-a9be-4db60fcc8321/Copy_of_Cute_Profile_Muppet_(1).png" width="40px" />

I also really enjoy using gamified learning to support ideas playfully for participants. Below, you’ll see a sample of a Feedback Memory Game that supports the elements of the MY.B.I.Q. Framework.


